ENRAH advances research and effective therapies for Alternating Hemiplegia of Childhood and related diseases by:
- Involve front line researchers and medical experts as members and in collaborations ;
- review literature and identify potential areas for research development ;
- design and submit for funding research projects.
- Coordinating research activities:
- Reinforce its links and collaborations with the national clinical centres of AHC expertisereinforce its links and collaborations with the AHC family groups and organisations;
- advise AHC family /patients groups and organisations on their research funding activities;
- facilitate research collaborations - organise workshops and other networking events.
- Translating and disseminating research:
- Review and update guidelines on diagnosis and management of AHC for patients and professionals;
- provide validated information on AHC for patients and families – web pages, handbooks and through its links and members worldwide.